Myles Suer

Myles Suer, according to LeadTail, is the No. 1 leading influencer of CIOs. Myles is Director of Solutions Marketing at Alation, and he's also the facilitator for the #CIOChat.

Why Enterprises Need to be Data-Centric Now

Sage business thinkers have long espoused the value of being data-centric. Data-centric organizations demonstrate better decision making, improved customer experience, and enhanced operational efficiency. Data-centric enterprises also stand to see...

How Can You Prevent Ransomware?

Ransomware has been front page news for several weeks, after the Colonial Pipeline and JBS Meats incidents. It has even been discussed by the White House Press Secretary and...

Creating a Data Advantage: CIOs Discuss Best Practices

In Marco Iansiti and Karim Lakhani’s book, “Competing on AI,” they suggest that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about reinventing “the core of the modern firm where processes are digitized...

CISOs: Missing an Opportunity to Partner with Your CDO?

Recently, I was talking with a major analyst firm about data and security. The name of the firm will not be mentioned to protect the not-so-innocent. During this call,...

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